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Heinz Klaus Strick's histories
Here are English translations of my contributions to the Mathematical Monthly Calendar, which have been published by Spektrum der
Wissenschaft since January 2006.
If you want to read the stories and download them, you must only click on the "stamps".
Of these stories, a total of 51 contributions were translated into English by David Kramer on behalf of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) in the years 2011-2014 and published on the homepage of the EMS. Unfortunately, they could no longer be found there. Therefore, I have now provided these translations with a new layout and published them again here on my homepage.
Since 2020, you can find these texts on the website of St Andrews University
And in collaboration with John O'Connor from
St Andrews University we can present translations of all "histories".
NEW this month: Frénicle de Bessy
Several portraits have been drawn by my son Andreas Strick (
From top to bottom (in alphabetical order):
Niels Henrik Abel, Abu'l Wafa, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Jean
le Rond d'Alembert,
al-Biruni, al-Haitham, al-Karaji, al-Kashi, Muhammed al-Khwarizmi, al-Kindi, al-Tusi, Apollonius von Perga, Francois Arago, Archimedes, Archytas of Tarentum, Aryabhata, Avicenna,
Charles Babbage, Bachet de Meziriac, Stefan Banach, Isaac Barrow, Thomas Bayes, Daniel Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, Joseph Bertrand, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Bhaskara II, Jànos Bolyai, Bernard Bolzano, Rafael Bombelli, George Boole, Ruder Boskovic, Louis Antoine de Bougainville, Brahmagupta, William Brouncker, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer, Jost Bürgi, Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon,
Georg Cantor, Constantin Caratheodory, Girolamo Cardano, Mary Lucy Cartwright, Giovanni Dominico Cassini, Eugène Catalan, Augustin Cauchy, Bonaventura Cavalieri, Arthur Cayley, Giovanni Ceva, Emilie du Chatelet, Pafnuti Chebyshev, Nicolas Chuquet, Alexis Clairaut, Christopher Clavius,
Nicolas de Condorcet, John Horton Conway, Nicolaus Copernicus, Roger Cotes, Richard Courant, Gabriel Cramer
George Bernard Dantzig, Richard Dedekind, Girard Desargues, René Descartes, Jean Dieudonné, Diophant, Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, Albrecht Dürer,
Gotthold Eisenstein, Eratosthenes, Paul Erdös, Euclid, Eudoxus of Nidos, Leonhard Euler,
Giulio Fagnano, Nicolas Fatio de Duilliers, Johann
Faulhaber, Pierre de Fermat, Fibonacci (Leonardo von Pisa), Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Joseph Fourier,
Frénicle de Bessy
Galileo Galilei, Evariste Galois, Carl Friedrich Gauss,
Gemma Frisius, Hilda Geiringer, Sophie Germain, Albert Girard, Kurt Gödel, Christian Goldbach, Herrmann Grassmann, George Green, James
Jacques Hadamard, Edmond Halley, William Rowan Hamilton, Godfrey Harold Hardy, Thomas Harriot, Felix Hausdorff, Charles Hermite, Heron of Alexandria, David Hilbert, Adolf Hurwitz, Christiaan Huygens,
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, Camille Jordan,
Johannes Kepler, Omar Khayyam, Felix Klein, Andrei Kolmogorov, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Leopold Kronecker,
Ernst Eduard Kummer,
Joseph Louis Lagrange, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Edmund Landau, Pierre Simon Laplace, Emanuel Lasker, Henri Lebesgue, Adrien-Marie
Legendre, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Leonardo da Vinci, Guillaume de l'Hopital,
Guglielmo Libri, Sophus Lie, Ferdinand von Lindemann, Joseph Liouville, Elizaweta Litwinowa, Liu Hui, Nicolai
Lobachevsky, Ada Lovelace, Édouard Lucas, Alexander Lyapunov,
Colin Maclaurin, Andrei Markov, Lorenzo Mascheroni, Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis & Charles Marie de La Condamine, Gerardus Mercator, Pietro Mengoli, Marin Mersenne, Hermann Minkowski, Maryam Mirzahkhani, Richard von Mises, Gösta Mittag-Leffler, August Möbius, Abraham de Moivre, Karl Brandan Mollweide, Gaspard Monge, Pierre Rémond de Montmort, Augustus de Morgan,
John Napier, Narayana Pandita, John von Neumann, Isaac Newton, Jerzy Neyman, Florence Nightingale, Emmy Noether, Pedro Nunes,
Nicole Oresme, Michail Ostrogradski,
Luca Pacioli, Pappus von Alexandria, Blaise Pascal, Giuseppe Peano, Karl Pearson, Johann Freidrich Pfaff, Julius Plücker, George Pólya, Henri Poincaré, Siméon Denis Poisson, George Pólya, Jean-Victor Poncelet, Alfred Pringsheim, Ptolemy, Pythagoras,
Quetelet, Qin Jiushao,
Srinivasa Ramanujan, Robert Recorde, Regiomontanus, Matteo Ricci, Bernhard Riemann, Adam Ries, Gilles Personne de Roberval, Michel Rolle, Christoff Rudolff, Paolo Ruffini, Bertrand Russell,
Grégoire de Saint-Vincent, Ludwig Schläfli, Hermann Amandus Schwarz, Charlotte Angas Scott, Andras Segner, Seki Kowa, Waclaw Sierpinski, Thomas Simpson, Willebrodus Snellius, Mary Fairfax Somerville, Jakob Steiner, Moritz Abraham Stern, Simon Stevin, Thomas Stieltjes, Michael Stifel, James Stirling,
Charles-Francois Sturm, James Joseph Sylvester,
Brook Taylor, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Thales of Miletus, Otto Toeplitz, Evangelista Torricelli, Ehrenfried
Tschirnhaus, Alan Turing,
Stanislaw Ulam,
Charles de La Vallée Poussin, Pierre de Varignon, Jurij Vega, Francois Viète, Vito Volterra,
Abul Wafa, John Wallis, Karl Weierstrass, Johannes Werner, Hermann
Grace Chisholm Young,
Ernst Zermelo, Zhu Shijie, Zu Chongzhi